

胜博发app和几个地区之间的新合作为学生提供了一个利用这个双学位课程的机会, providing a faster 和更多的 cost-effective approach to their higher education.


Visit Woodstock schools' dual degree information


200地区 和 MCC 双学位课程 Benefits

  • 实惠
  • Rigorous, but very manageable
  • Provides a cohort of students who can support 和 collaborate
  • Participating students can still be involved in all high school activities, 包括美术, 体育运动, 以及其他选修课
  • 让参与者在享受高中生活的同时,也能适应大学课程

Comparable costs to attain an Associate of Arts degree 高中毕业后 at MCC are $7,695 including the costs of tuition 和 fees. Based on tuition 和 fees 和 does not include room 和 board. Calculated on 15 credit hours per semester for two years (four semesters).

Frequently asked questions about the D200/MCC 双学位课程

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Programa de Doble Titulación D200/MCC


欲了解更多信息,请 visit Woodstock schools' dual degree information or contact D200 school counseling at 伍德斯托克高中 (815) 206-2252 or Woodstock North High School (815) 334-2124.

With special thanks to Jesus Sanchez, Woodstock North High School graduate, 2018届毕业生, for designing the dual degree logo.



DUO项目是一个早期的大学项目,是通过胜博发app(MCC)和哈佛社区单位学校50区之间的合作伙伴关系创建的. 该计划为在第50区注册的学习上进的学生提供了同时获得高中文凭和副学士学位的机会. During their four years of school, 学生将参加哈佛高中第50区提供的双学分课程, 和 MCC courses offered at the McHenry County College campus.

学生应用程序 Process

DUO项目的理想候选人是一贯表现出对学术的坚定承诺的学生. In order to qualify for some of the coursework, students may need to take placement tests in English 和 Math. Due to the nature of those placement tests, it is recommended that students be enrolled in Algebra 2, or show a strong proficiency in Geometry, 大二的时候. If you have questions about whether or not this is a good fit, students 和 families are encouraged to meet with their high school counselor.

DUO项目流程:请务必填写以下所有表格. If all forms are not completed, the application will be considered incomplete. 申请窗口将于11月1日至1月15日开放,适用于2024届学生.

  1. Attend 信息al Meeting 
  2. 申请流程-一份完整的申请将包括以下文件. All must be submitted for your application to be considered complete.
    • 学生应用程序
    • 学生作文问题
    • Student Recommendation Process
  3. Counselors 和 Administrators review applications
  4. Notification of who was accepted into the program
  5. Orientation for the Dual Degree participants 和 families
  • Is the 双学位课程 the right fit for my D50 student?
  • What year in high school do you start this program in D50?

    学生可以在大二(10年级)的12月申请参加这个项目. Courses would officially begin the summer after sophomore year.

  • How much will this cost our family?

    学生 will be required to purchase books 和 other course materials. Tuition 和 course fees are covered by Harvard CUSD 50, the Harvard Education Foundation, 和胜博发app.

  • 有交通工具吗??

    哈佛大学CUSD 50将在学年期间为上午提供的课程提供到MCC的交通服务. 学生在夏季课程期间和/或在上午课程之外上课时,自己负责往返胜博发app(MCC)的交通. If transportation is an issue, consider speaking with your counselor about online course opportunities.

  • What if I can’t finish the full 60 credits?

    学校鼓励学生尽可能多地修学分,以帮助他们在获得大学学分方面有一个良好的开端. 学生仍然可以参加该计划,而不是完成完整的副学士学位. 这种认可程度与那些完成了文科副学士学位所有要求的学生不同.

Learn more about The DUO Program with MCC

Huntley 双学位课程 logo

The 158地区 双学位课程


158地区 Application 信息

158地区 和 MCC 双学位课程 Benefits

  • 加快获得高级学位,并允许在高等教育的进一步领域进行探索
  • Gain experience in college-level coursework, 哪一种方法能让你更容易地过渡到四年制学院或大学
  • 从高中辅导员和MCC顾问那里获得个性化的实际支持
  • Get started in your career earlier


学生将负责通过MCC学习的任何课程费用的三分之一. 该计划的总费用取决于学生作为双学位参与者注册的课程数量. MCC课程的书籍、费用和用品将由学生负责.


  • Total tuition 和 fees estimated cost per credit hour: $140.00
  • 学生费用= 46美元.每学时60美元

符合免费和减少午餐资格的学生将免除学费, 和 158地区 will cover the cost of books 和 fees. 所有有需要的学生都可以使用交通工具往返于MCC的课程.


  • What is the Dual Degree program?

    Through a partnership with McHenry County College, 亨特利的158名学生将有机会在获得HHS文凭的同时获得副学士学位,以便以具有成本效益的方式推进他们的大学和职业目标. To the greatest degree possible, 双学位课程将为HHS学生提供灵活性和选择,以获得文学副学士学位.

  • Is the Dual Degree program the right fit for my Huntley 158 student?

    这个项目最适合那些希望在高中毕业后继续他们的大学和职业目标的积极进取的学生. 学生可以接触到大学水平的课程,同时为高等教育或劳动力做准备. 理想的应聘者有2分.平均成绩5分或以上,出勤率85%,在亨特利高中表现良好.

  • What year in high school do you start this program in Huntley 158?

    在理想的情况下, 目前大一和大二的学生应该考虑申请这个项目,在2022年夏天,在大二和大三之间胜博发app他们的课程序列.

  • How much will this cost our family?

    学生将负责通过MCC学习的任何课程费用的三分之一. 该计划的总费用取决于学生作为双学位参与者注册的课程数量. MCC课程的书籍、费用和用品将由学生负责.

    • Total tuition 和 fees estimated cost per credit hour: $140.00
      • 学生费用= 46美元.每学时60美元

    符合免费和减少午餐资格的学生可以免除学费, 和 158地区 will cover the cost of books 和 fees.

  • 有交通工具吗??
  • What if I can’t finish the full 60 credits?

    学校鼓励学生尽可能多地修学分,以帮助他们在获得大学学分方面有一个良好的开端. 学生仍然可以参加该计划,而不是完成完整的副学士学位, though they will not graduate with the same recognition.

Interested in other dual-credit opportunities with MCC?

A group of Dual Degree graduates from Huntley High School pose for a picture

MCC Recognizes Second Class of Dual Degree Graduates
