Firefighter Basic Certificate

Firefighter Basic Certificate prepares individuals who are affiliated with a fire department to sit for the Office of the State Fire Marshall (OSFM) Firefighter II Exam. Earn your 证书 as you focus on the knowledge 和 skills required for fire suppression activities.

联系 (815) 455-8690 with specific questions about this program.

(在地区) Total Amount: $2,449.75

Credit Hours to Complete: 15


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What you need to know about getting your Firefighter Basic Certificate (CIP 43.0203)

Total Firefighter Basic Certificate 成本s
成本 在地区 然而 州外 international
学费 $1,822.5 $4,937.25 $6,940.95 $6,940.95
额外的成本 $627.25 $627.25 $627.25 $627.25
项目总 $2,449.75 $5,564.5 $7,568.2 $7,568.2

What makes MCC's Firefighter Basic Certificate program better than or distinct from similar programs at other institutions?

How will MCC's Firefighter Basic Certificate program prepare me for my career or connect me to opportunities?

  • This 证书 covers all of the subject areas outlined in 美国 1001: St和ard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications - Level I. It also meets the requirements needed to take the Office of the State Fire Marshal Certification Exam for Firefighter Basic.
  • Network as you learn through field experience(internships).

Outside of the Classroom


Semesters to complete assumes students are taking a full-time credit load of 12 credits per semester (the minimum required for federal financial aid).

Proportion of students completing in normal time is the percentage of completers who earned the credential within the specified time of their first enrollment at the College.

学生 attending part-time or changing their program of study are two common reasons why they may not complete in "normal" time.

学费 和 fees are set by the 校董会. Prices for books 和 supplies are subject to change.

See additional information about international student costs.